Fox pulls out the ‘according to Gregg Jarrett’ citation line again

The Fox cable network that airs “Hannity” ran a graphic Aug. 1, 2019, headlined “Laws possibility violated by James Comey.”

It then went on to list four parts of the U.S. Code that former FBI director Comey could have violated.

In smaller type below the list the credit line read “According to Gregg Jarrett.”

Besides his double letter filled name, Jarrett is a pro-Donald Trump Fox personality.

He also holds a law degree and practiced for several years before entering TV news, so he does have some knowledge of the law.

Neither Comey nor Clinton have been charged with any of the laws Fox listed.

Sean Hannity’s show ran an identical credit back in April — this time about Hillary Clinton’s “potential crimes.”

It’s also worth noting that the network had its “alert” sliver running along the bottom of the screen — along with a banner reading “Moments away: Rush Limbaugh.”