Guess what the logo means…

By Michael P. Hill February 4, 2008

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Today NewscastStudio debuted a nifty little logo icon to go along with the new typeface the site’s name appears in, which you can see at right. The design process here was a bit backward; we actually designed the logo after the site design was finalized. The circle shapes are inspired by site’s navigation buttons that appear in the upper right of each page.

But just having nine circles was boring so we needed a way to break up the shapes a bit. The interesting part is that the white dots actually mean something.

Keep reading to find out more…

So what do they mean?

Take a look at your telephone key pad. The white circles in the logo are where the numbers 3, 6, 7, 9 appear on the dial pad. Rearranging those numbers into 6-3-9-7, which are the keys you’d push to spell “NEWS.”

What’s the connection between telephones and NewscastStudio? Nothing, really, except 6397 does show up in many station’s newstip hotlines. As stated before, we needed a way to decide which dots could be different and the 3 by 3 grid shape brought a phone to mind.

Think we’re crazy yet?


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