Palm Beach graphics, Twin Cities set photos added

By Michael P. Hill December 1, 2008

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We’ve added two new image collections to the site.

First is the graphics package at WPTV-TV in West Palm Beach, Fla. This is a unique look that uses a stark white background as a base. The open starts with a morphed NBC peacock that becomes fully-formed and also incorporates bold blues and golds. Unique angles also add a sense of depth to the look.

We also added photos of the “Twin Cities Live” set at KSTP-TV in St. Paul, Minn. This set, designed by Park Place Studio, features an great urban feel complete with industrial-style windows you’d expect to find in a funky loft space. The design also incorporates numerous textures and materials as well as meticulous lighting design that add a realistic feel and set of modes to the studio.

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