NBC Olympics coverage by the numbers

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Did you know, NBC’s coverage of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games takes over 2,168 NBC staffers, 5 mobile units, 1 fixed wing aircraft, 127 printers, 385 laptop computers, 400,000 feet of cable, 900,000 gigabytes of HD video storage, 10,500 feet of fiber and 50,000 square feet of space in the International Broadcast Center?

These are just a few of the numbers behind NBC’s coverage. Continue reading to see more.

The networks of NBC will broadcast over 835 hours of Olympics in HD this year, to make this possible it takes:

1st All HD Olympic Winter Games
1 Helicopter
1 Fixed Wing Aircraft
2 Continents visited by the 2 Olympic Researchers
in preparation for Vancouver
5 Mobile Units
8 Countries visited by the 2 Olympic Researchers
in preparation for Vancouver
12 Record Number of Olympic Games Broadcast
on NBC (includes Vancouver)
12 World Championships attended by 2 Olympic researchers
16 Total Olympic medals Held by NBC Commentators
(7 gold, 6 silver, 3 bronze). Team NBC would have
been 7th in the Torino medal count; ahead of
Sweden and just behind Norway.
19 Venues
26 Semi Trucks with Equipment
28 NBC Edit Rooms
35 Office Trailers
51 HD Video Servers
110 NBC Cameras
127 Printers
200 Video Recorders and 100 Video Servers
235 Vehicles and 150+ Drivers, Dispatchers and Managers
268 Desktop Computers
324 Camera Positions
385 Laptop computers
416 Total Hours of NBC’s Coverage of the Torino Olympics,
the previous record
835 Plus Hours of NBC’s Planned Coverage for the
Vancouver Olympics
1964 Year of NBC’s First Olympic Broadcast,
the Tokyo Games
1972 Year of NBC’s First Olympic Winter Games Broadcast,
the Sapporo Games
2,140 Airline Reservations
2,168 NBC Olympic Staff in Vancouver
2,300 Credentials and NBC ID’s
2,500 Color Monitors
3,756 Pieces of Furniture
6,890 Sets of Merchandise for Crew
10,000 Archived Video Tapes
10,500 Feet of Fiber Cable
15,000 Blank Videotapes
18,730 Pounds of Pasta Ordered for the NBC Commissary
22,000 Donuts
46,912 Room Nights in 15 Hotels and 97 Apartments
50,000 Feet Triax Cable
50,000 Square Feet of NBC’s Vancouver IBC Space
68,286 Cups of Coffee and Tea
79,707 Square Feet Compound Space at 19 Venues
155,980 Meals Served in 16 Days
230,000 Feet of Audio Cable (43 Miles)
386,000 Beverages
400,000 Feet of Video Cable
900,000 Gigabytes of HD Video Storage
184 million Viewers in the U.S. For the Torino Winter Games

Source: NBC Olympics Media Kit

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