Election Graphics Made Easy

By MotionRevolver

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Building comprehensive broadcast graphics packages from scratch can be incredibly time consuming and expensive. Usually, you’re required to hire a designer or dedicated team of artists to take you through a weeks-long process involving several steps of storyboarding, design, execution, and file preparation.

When it comes to broadcast election coverage, this design process is further exasperated by the need for intricate, customizable voting results graphics and election result maps.

MotionRevolver Election Headquarters is a collection of affordable, easy-to-use After Effects templates, graphical elements, and pre-rendered election themed Motion Graphics. Designed to take the headache out of building a custom package, Election Headquarters will help you get your election broadcast up and running quickly and easily.

Comprehensive Broadcast Packages

Any professional looking broadcast begins with the graphics. If your show open and the accompanying graphics package is aesthetically pleasing, you’ll add instant credibility to your content, further engaging your viewers.

MotionRevolver has a collection of election broadcast packages to rival any national news network such as CNN, Fox, or NBC. These graphics packages contain everything you need to cover an election: intros, lower thirds, backgrounds, side panels, transitions, voting result screens, etc.



Editable Voting Results Maps

One of the most difficult election graphics to build is an editable voting result map. With 50 states to cover, it can be a daunting task for any designer to undertake within a short period of time.

With 2 customizable map options – Election Map PRO, and Election Map LITE – you’ll be able to add professional election result graphics to your broadcast with very little effort. Both map projects feature intuitive data input interfaces, making customization even easier.


Election Map PRO allows reporting for up to 6 candidates, and contains map screens for all 50 states (plus D.C and Puerto Rico), including ALL 3,007 state counties. With Election Map PRO, you could even build your own CNN-inspired “Magic Wall” to showcase voting results for specific states, and their individual counties. It doesn’t get much more detailed than this.


If you don’t require county-specific detail, Election Map LITE is a simpler, yet powerful option. Election Map LITE contains reporting for up to 2 candidates, and map screens for all 50 states.

Election Icons, Motion Graphics, & Lower 3rds

To round out the collection, MotionRevolver Election Headquarters also includes extras such as pre-rendered election themed backgrounds, animated election icons, and patriotic lower thirds.



It All Works Together!

The MotionRevolver Election Headquarters collection is built to work interchangeably. Use any of the prerendered background animations with the broadcast packages, or combine them with either of the customizable map projects to create a robust election toolkit for a dynamic news broadcast.

Unsurpassed Customer Support

MotionRevolver is known for having some of the best project support in the industry. All projects come with detailed video tutorials to help you through the customization process. And if you get stuck on something, they’ll typically respond to your inquiry within 24 business hours.

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