NAB Show 2022: LiveU to debut new video platform, demonstrate orchestration solution
LiveU will be on-site at NAB with a large presence in the North Hall featuring a live stage for fireside chats, panels, and workflow demonstrations.
Attendees can visit the booth to get a first-hand look at the company’s next-gen live video platform and latest solutions suite enabling customers to apply unmatched innovation and automation to the video production workflow.
Making Live Happen with Air Control Broadcast Orchestration Solution
We’ll demonstrate our recently launched cloud innovation, Air Control throughout LiveU’s NAB booth. Air Control serves as a single collaboration solution to get remote guests on air and live feeds into the system, giving crews the ability to manage all the human elements of a multi-guest production effortlessly and with true broadcast quality.
Unveiling the newest addition to LiveU’s end-to-end live video platform
We’re keeping this news quiet until we launch at NAB, but this solution is set to play a key role in boosting efficiency in content acquisition.
Helping organizations unlock the potential of live video
We’ll highlight our end-to-end contribution and distribution solutions including the multi-camera LU800 5G production-level field unit and rich remote production tools built on our LRT (LiveU Reliable Transport) protocol.
End-to-end live productions with LiveU Cloud Connect
LiveU’s total cloud ecosystem, Cloud Connect, simplifies your live productions, reduces costs, and delivers a faster time-to-air by leveraging our automated cloud workflows. Experience how our cloud solutions offer an enriched seamless live video production experience for increased viewer engagement and revenue growth. Collaborations with other leading cloud production providers including Blackbird, Grass Valley, Grabyo, and more will be showcased during live workflow demos, highlighting the ongoing removal of traditional and restrictive infrastructure.
Exchange live content effectively and efficiently
The LiveU Matrix cloud video management solution will be on display with its new Dynamic Share service. Learn how you can share and receive an exponential number of live feeds using the Global Directory of 10,000+ customer endpoints in news, sports, entertainment, and other vertical markets.
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Acquisition, Broadcast Equipment, Industry Feed, NAB Show
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