Clippn launches Video Workflow Management Service
Clippn has launched a custom Video Workflow Management Service for news, media and archival organizations, mixing human and AI video management workflows.
Clippn’s workflow services are designed to increase an organization’s usage of, and revenue streams from, their media archives.
To do this, Clippn has developed a proprietary, customizable cloud-based media workflow service that effectively offloads the ‘heavy lift’ of ingest, organizing, packaging and monetizing video content.
Clippn: How it Works
With Clippn, the footage is now tagged and searchable in a client’s archive. And a feedback loop between the videographers and the assignment desk creates a synergy that improves the quality of submissions, making them even more valuable. So videographers are no longer sending their footage into a black hole.
Staff/freelance photographers around the world upload their video footage through Clippn via Clippn’s proprietary dashboard, add media files and source captions/metadata through an intuitive upload wizard, including a customizable metadata form.
For media and archives organizations, Clippn streamlines and simplifies the media aggregation process, eliminating the massive burden on these platforms of curating, organizing, adding metadata and tagging and editing clips into usable formats for their customers. Clippn turns raw video from contributors around the world and packages them into ready-for-sale clips for their customers.
Combining Human and AI Workflows
Clippn employs a combination of human and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to ensure integrity, accuracy and efficiency in the asset management workflow. For example, footage travels to Clippn’s cloud platform (AWS), where editors for news create b-roll montages (“VOs”) and individual clips through a remote editing workflow.
Then taggers add enhanced titling, description, keyword tagging, and other specific metadata for pre-set end uses. After a QA pass, the content (including the source files) gets published to spec for formatting and metadata, and sent to news organizations and archiving services for use.
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