Weather on new CNN site lacks emphasis, still uses old design

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It’s been almost two weeks since the new debuted but the site’s weather section is still skinned with the old design.

msnbcwxIt’s also interesting to note the new design doesn’t have quite the emphasize on weather as both the old version of the site and other news sites., for example, places current conditions prominently in the upper right of the homepage, even going to the extent of integrating the current condition image into the site’s header, as shown at right., on the other hand, parks its current condition graphic at the bottom of the homepage. Users can customize the homepage and have local weather appear higher up on the page, but it’s still not in the most prominent location parked under a banner ad on the right-hand sidebar.

There is the common perception in TV news that weather is one of the most sought-after content areas, both on-air and online, but maybe CNN has data that suggests otherwise.


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