Q&A: TVU Networks’ Shen on codecs and the changing transmission market

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As part of our Focus on Emerging Technology, we recently had a chance to speak briefly with Paul Shen, CEO of TVU Networks about the changes impacting bonded cellular transmission technology and the emerging uses of the technology with drones and eSports.

TVU Networks recently received an innovation award for its new timelock technology, which enables multiple TVU Transmitters to synchronize together at a set latency, allowing mobile and wireless At-home/REMI productions without being tethered.

How are new codecs changing transmission?

They significantly reduce the data usage when compared to H.264. This translates to direct savings for our customers.

Furthermore, TVU’s software-based HEVC encoder is optimized for mobile environments. It delivers better picture quality than lots of run-of-the-mill hardware based encoders, which has much less flexibility in optimization. With its optimization, the TVU One TM1000 is able to deliver a stable and high-quality picture in a mobile environment.

What about the rise of 4K?

In a news gathering environment, we have not seen current demand for 4K. Though, we do believe that 4K demand will be here in the next few years.

How does at-home production impact the transmission market?

At-home production has created increased demand for better transmission devices, such as TVU’s wireless remote production solution and TVU RPS, which is able to perfectly sync between different video cameras.

What about eSports? Where are you seeing that fit in?

We have quite a few customers using TVU products for eSports. We have seen a broadening use of mobile transmission in multiple verticals.

Broadcasters are investing in portable drones, what can be done to get that footage to broadcast?

TVU products are integrated with a number of drone vendors, such as DJI — TVU’s Aerial Newsgathering Pack includes a TVU One and DJI Inspire 1 drone.


A user can send an HD signal captured by their drone directly to their station live.

What advantage does it give a station?

As we have answered in the previous question, the integrated solution enables stations to get a live high-quality picture from a drone. Furthermore, the solution does not reduce the drone flying time.

Where is the transmission market headed?

We have seen an increased demand in mobile transmission devices, as the demand for live content continues to rise.

For more information on TVU’s products, visit their website. TVU Networks customers include Tegna, Gray, Hearst, Nexstar, and CCTV, among many others in the world of broadcast.

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