Industry Feed

TVU Networks and InPlayer partner for production, streaming and monetization workflow

Contributed Content / Press Release

TVU Networks has announced a strategic partnership with InPlayer, the leading monetization platform for content owners.

Through the partnership, existing and future TVU customers can benefit from InPlayer’s Pay Per View and Subscription tools to create a complete production, streaming and monetization workflow. The InPlayer platform can be used with any TVU product or service.

With InPlayer, content owners can generate significant pay-per-view and subscription revenues direct from the fanbase. The scalable InPlayer technology manages all aspects of the monetization process including authentication, entitlement, payment and customer support.

“This partnership enables our customers and prospective customers to turn content they produce into a direct, revenue stream,” said Paul Shen, CEO, TVU Networks. “This integration breaks down barriers for our clients and creates new business opportunities for them. Our relationship with InPlayer is at the heart of TVU – to empower content creators.”

The InPlayer solution provides a variety of tools that help customers maximize their transactions, such as: discount and access codes, free trials, merchandise, syndication, live chat and fan engagement, gift vouchers, and donations. The InPlayer platform is API-driven, providing flexibility to clients for customization and white label options.

“Within the sports world, it’s becoming more commonplace for content owners to take their video and other assets direct to the fan,” said Edit Kovács of InPlayer. “With the TVU Networks/InPlayer combination, any owner, event or organization has a complete workflow to bring that content directly to the viewer.”

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