’10 Commandments’ for TV station sites

Former reporter Kevin Davis has posted what he calls the 10 Commandments for television station Web sites.

  1. Thou Shalt Use Tags/Labels/Keywords
  2. Thou Shalt Use High Quality Video
  3. Thou Shalt Podcast… Period
  4. Thou Shalt Use Advertisements Sparingly and Accordingly
  5. Thou Shalt Engage Thy Audience Beyond A Comment Section
  6. Thou Shalt Live And Die By Quality Assurance
  7. Thou Shalt Post Content Additional To Thy Newscast
  8. Thou Shalt Link To Prominent Local Sites In Thy Community
  9. Thou Shalt Keepeth Content Fresh
  10. Thou Shalt Think Long-Term

It’s an interesting read and worth a look. However, the list touches upon but doesn’t mention two prominent issues that TV news Web sites need to consider: the design and cluttered nature of sites and adding the ability to allow users to customize the content they see.

NewscastStudio also offered a selection of tips for improving sites in an earlier NewscastTip column.