NewscastStudio hits record month — again

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NewscastStudio broke another traffic record in January 2018, overturning a record that stood for just six months.

Pageview traffic in January 2018 was up 18 percent over the site’s previous best month, July 2017.

January 2018 also saw huge growth in year-over-year page views. 

A particular strongpoint in traffic for NewscastStudio continues to be China, which continues to be a key growth market for the broadcast industry.

Video has also continued to be a growth point for NewscastStudio, with the site’s YouTube channel hitting over 52,500 of watched minutes in January.

NewscastStudio’s ability to reach a key portion of broadcast industry decision makers has been demonstrated by its ever-growing roster of advertising partners. 

For more information about how partnering with NewscastStudio for advertising, content marketing and native advertising opportunities, visit our advertising page.


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