Witbe to boost video testing and monitoring technology with automated testing bundles at Anga Com2024
Witbe will highlight its automated testing and proactive monitoring technology at Anga Com 2024.
The company will demonstrate the benefits of its hardware and software solutions for cable and broadband video service providers looking to measure their customers’ true quality of experience.
A key highlight will be Witbe’s new Automated Testing Bundles, personalized from the company’s extensive experience working with service providers to help teams easily automate their video service testing.
“I am very excited to bring our latest technology to Anga Com this year,” said Yoann Hinard, chief operations officer at Witbe, in a statement. “Video service providers worldwide have come to rely on the Witbe Software Suite to monitor and test their cable TV and streaming services. Our new Automated Testing Bundles enable teams to quickly deploy automation into their testing strategies to deliver superior quality streaming.”
Automated testing bundles
Witbe’s technology tests and monitors video services on real devices and networks, allowing service providers to measure the exact QoE their viewers receive at home and on the go. At Anga Com 2024, Witbe will spotlight its new Automated Testing Bundles, which come prepackaged with everything providers need to implement automation into their video testing. The bundles are standardized to deploy in record time.
Witbe’s Automated Testing Bundles include a Witbox, the company’s hardware that allows video service providers to directly test any real device they have, along with a Witbe Hub Cloud to work remotely, and a set number of test scenarios that can be quickly deployed. There are three different tiers of bundles available, allowing teams to pick how many test scenarios they would like to begin running right away. With these new Automated Testing Bundles, Witbe’s award-winning technology is easier to deploy than ever before.
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