Sky News Arabia

Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sky News

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In April 2019, Sky News Arabia debuted a complete overhaul of its main studio, the first since the network launched in 2012.

The Jago design team was commissioned to redesign the sets for SNA’s main news output. The team worked closely with the Sky to include distinctive set elements that could be used for the revised news graphics. The main presentation desk rotates to provide different backings throughout the news day. The designs included a 12m wide high res LED wall and newsroom virtual set extension.

Designs were also produced for SNA’s morning show which are based on contemporary interior architecture and features a large 3m x 8m window which overlooks gardens designed specifically for Sky News Arabia. The set is two-story with a mezzanine area and three distinct presentation positions. A central sofa area for relaxed discussion, a more formal desk for news presentation and a demo bar.