NAB 2010: 3D graphics ready for primetime

By NewscastStudio April 15, 2010

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nab2010bugVia, 3D may be closer and easier than stations thought in terms of graphics.

Perhaps the most amazing thing for those bracing for the possibility of a 3D future is the discovery that, technically speaking, it’s much closer than many may think. The transition to HD has taken care of much of what’s needed for 3D.

“Our engine has been 3D from the start, but we’ve only been able to present on a 2D surface,” said Ian Davies, a regional manager for Vizrt. “Stereoscopic

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is really only a small step for us to take.”

While other parts of the broadcast and production chain scramble to figure out 3D issues, this is just another feature alongside others at the NAB Show for Vizrt.

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