Asharq turns to IMR to outline key military conflicts of 2021

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Asharq used an extended reality segment to outline some of the biggest military conflicts of 2021.

The segment featured on-air talent starting in the network’s studio, a portion of which was “transported” inside the 3D environment meant to resemble a military compound of some sort, which was created by Mohsen Serry from Asharq’s internal design team.

As various conflicts are explained, various military vehicles and aircraft appear along with a map on the “ground” and monochromatic 3D figures of soldiers. The video wall, behind the reporter, was then used to add key data points.

Meanwhile, key data points and headlines appear on the video wall behind the talent.

“2021 is turning its last pages, but the conflict maps are drawing new chapters. Struggles and disputes, withdrawals and redeployment. New alliances and others may find a path to extinction due to crises that ignite muffled tensions under the ashes, and an explicit second threatens to ignite the fuse from time to time,” the network noted in the explainer. 

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