After shedding Bianna Golodryga, ‘CBS This Morning’ sticks with ‘wing-less’ desk

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After Bianna Golodryga departed “CBS This Morning” and CBS News April 3, 2019, the network has continued using the “wing-less” anchor desk.

When Golodryga joined the permanent anchor team on the CBS morning show in October 2018, the show removed the three modular “wings” that could be moved in and out around Studio 57’s circular anchor desk.

The set was originally designed for three anchors — though the “space” between each “wing” was large enough for two anchors to sit and that configuration was frequently used when in-studio guests or debriefs.

However, with four anchors, the show’s producers opted to stop using the wings. 

The set could also be used with just two of the wings — allowing a larger number of anchors to sit between them — such as the five the network used during midterm election coverage.



CBS has apparently decided that the wing-less version of the desk works better for the morning show — even with only three anchors.

During the broadcast, two anchors often sit next to each other with the remaining one “leading” the segment sitting separately to allow for one shots. The desk also still plays host to guests and correspondent debriefs.

The same anchor desk has been used — always without the wings — for “CBS Evening News” since it moved into the space ahead of the November 2016 elections.

Later that year, the network decided to make the move permanent, with the broadcast leaving its longtime home of Studio 47

Studio 47 was eventually renovated into the network’s “news hub” newsroom

When Jeff Glor took over as anchor, the broadcast found some news ways to shoot Studio 57, but has tweaked the look since then, including a recent change to the top of the broadcast.

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