Key Art
Key art is a broad term that is used to describe graphics, photographs and other images that are used to promote a particular production, show or network. The images often come in a variety of formats and dimensions and frequently feature imagery of the key cast members or anchors. Some shows use the same key art for long periods of time, while scripted shows tend to change up key art each season, often with a unifying visual theme that may be purely aesthetic or speak to the theme of the season or a major plot line. It’s also possible for single episodes to have key art, which often depicts a key scene in the action. Key art typically includes the show’s logo or name and are often done using a composite style that brings all visual elements together in a single scene that may not be otherwise feasible or even realistic. Key art is closely related to poster and cover art, but is not necessarily always the same. Key art is often used in on screen guides or graphical user interfaces to represent shows or episodes.