Exclusive: ‘Today’ goes sunny side up with new Studio 1A

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Meanwhile, new blocky flooring finishes and white blocks along with a blonde wood connecting the modern wall vocabulary into the floor itself.
Many of these bands intersect with sleek white wall panels sporting the “Today” logo, including one to the far right of the new video wall alcove and one to the left of the Orange Room.
This wall is equipped with oversized doors that play a key role in the show’s production: giving crew and talent access to off-camera storage and staging areas.
The doors have been integrated carefully into the new studio design. Now outfitted with a bas-relief interpretation of the show’s sunrise icon combining lightboxes and frosted glass, the doors can be used for on-camera talent and guest entrances as well as serving as a background for the nearby “production area” and anchor desk debrief position.
A longtime fixture of Studio 1A, this area has always been a flexible space that can be used for everything from musical performances to demonstrations, one-on-one interviews or explainer segments.
Tracking, movable panels remain in front of the glass wall overlooking West 49th Street, and, along with the new adjacent video wall area, will give producers more flexibility for presenting stories.
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Clickspring Design, Mystic Scenic, Mystic Scenic Studios, NBC, NBC News, New Studio 1A 2018, orange room, Planar, rockefeller plaza, Studio 1A Rockefeller Center, The Lighting Design Group, Today, Today Show, Video Walls
Broadcast Design, Broadcast Industry News, Exclusives, Heroes, Networks, News Set Design, Set Design, TV News Set Design